2020 Hockenhull Artist Arshia Fatima Haq

2020 Jo Hockenhull Distinguished Visiting Artist: Arshia Fatima Haq


Through social practice, video, sound, and performance, Arshia Fatima Haq (born in Hyderabad, India, based in Los Angeles, CA) works with archives and aesthetic production rooted in the Muslim world that have been marginalized both within conservative Islam and in the Western imagination. Through conceptualized feminist modes that stem from the complexities of inhabiting multiple personas – woman, Muslim, immigrant, citizen – Haq weaves together layers of personal narrative, myth, and shared historical memory to evoke an alternative devotional space of catharsis, celebration and resistance to orthodoxies.

The 2020 Jo Hockenhull Distinguished Visiting Artist performance and lecture are sponsored by the WSU Program in Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, the Department of Fine Arts, the Women*s Center and the Center for Arts & Humanities.

Join us on March 4, 2020, 4-7pm, in Fine Arts Gallery 2 for an immersive artist installation/performance and on March 5, 4:30-5:30pm in the Fine Arts Auditorium 5062, for an artist lecture with a reception to follow.