Jiemei Lin Interview

Jiemei Lin Podcast Interview: Fly on the Wall


WSU Fine Arts Gallery 2 presents Jiemei Lin: New Works. This is Jiemei Lin’s first solo exhibition and the first exhibition of the 2018-19 season of programming around the theme of of The Body: Power, Meaning & Representation in Contemporary Art.

Jiemei Lin recently interviewed for Squeak Meisel’s podcast, Fly on the Wall, where she talks about her work and background. Lin is an artist, designer and curator born in Hangzhou, China, currently living and working in the Inland Northwest, Washington State. Lin works with both digital media and traditional media such as painting, drawing, ceramics and embroidery. Lin’s works frequently take on themes of individual and cultural identity with a keen eye for design and color. She is committed to combating social injustice through exploring them in her work, and through promoting the fine arts.

Jiemei Lin: New Works is on view through September 25, 2018 in Gallery 2, Department of Fine Arts, WSU Pullman Campus

Visiting artist talk on Thursday, September 13, at 4:30 pm in the Fine Arts auditorium (5062)

Interview here: http://squeakmeisel.com/interviews/

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